Tummy Tuck

What is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck tightens and reshapes the abdominal area, helping to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing, slimmer overall appearance. Having a flatter, firmer midsection can dramatically improve the way clothing fits and looks, helping you feel more confident and comfortable in your body.

During the procedure, the abdominal muscles are tightened and excess, sagging skin is eliminated, correcting a protruding belly and leaving the midsection flatter and better toned. Tummy tucks are popular procedure for men and women, particularly those whose bodies have undergone dramatic changes from weight loss or pregnancy.

Who Might Benefit from a Tummy Tuck?

The decision to have any cosmetic procedure is personal, and patients choose to have tummy tucks for a variety of reasons. The best candidates are at or near their ideal body weight, are non-smokers in good health, and have realistic expectations about what surgery can achieve for them. If any of the following describe you, a tummy tuck is an option to consider:

  • Diet & exercise have helped you lose weight, but your abdomen still protrudes and lacks tone.
  • Your abdominal muscles and skin are stretched and sagging following pregnancy.
  • After losing significant amounts of weight, you now have loose, excess skin hanging around your belly.
  • You have always had a belly that “sticks out,” even though you are in very good shape.

A tummy tuck can help patients in any of these situations address what they don’t like about their shape and achieve a firmer, flatter abdomen.

How to Choose a Cosmetic Surgeon

When considering tummy tuck surgery, the single most important choice you will make is deciding on a cosmetic surgeon to perform your procedure. Tummy tuck surgery requires specialized training and experience to ensure a safe and successful outcome. When you consult with a potential cosmetic surgeon, make sure you ask how many tummy tucks he or she has performed and about how frequently the surgeon performs this procedure.